

Green Burial Caskets & Products

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Below is our selection. To narrow the search please pick which option is best for your loved one.

Natural Burial Caskets

Shrouds & Carriers

Outer Burial Containers

Natural Cremation Urn

Embracing the Natural End: An Introduction to Green Burial Products

At the end of life, we all deserve an environmentally friendly and dignified send-off that echoes the principles we stood for during our lifetime. This is the philosophy that's fueling the green burial movement and why Interra Green Burial by Mueller has worked with the Green Burial Council and ecologically conscious suppliers to provide responsibly sourced, sustainable, biodegradable funeral transporters and urns. 

More people are seeking eco-friendly alternatives to traditional burial practices. This shift in mindset has led to the rise of green burial caskets, natural shrouds, carriers, and cremation urns, allowing us to leave this world in a way that honors the environment that sustained us in life.

Green Burial Caskets: An Eco-friendly Farewell

A green burial casket is an enclosed, biodegradable coffin made from natural materials, a central item among green burial products. Compared to conventional options, these green caskets offer a sustainable, environmentally friendly alternative. Natural caskets can be made of various biodegradable materials such as bamboo, wicker, or seagrass. They offer a high quality, aesthetically pleasing option for those who want their final resting place to reflect their environmental values.

Wooden caskets are also a popular choice. These caskets are typically crafted from sustainably sourced timber, providing an additional dimension of eco-friendliness. They align perfectly with the natural burial ethos, as they degrade naturally over time and return their carbon back to the earth.

Natural Burial Shrouds: Embracing the Simplicity

For those seeking an even simpler and more natural option, green burial shrouds offer an elegant solution. A shroud for a natural burial is typically a piece of biodegradable fabric, either cotton or bamboo cloth, used to respectfully wrap the body. This practice hearkens back to ancient burial traditions and fosters a deeper connection between the person who died, their survivors and the Earth.

The visual experience of burying a shroud is different from burying a casket. The outline of the body is visible in a shroud and carrier which can make for a more impactful burial experience for the survivors. Some families choose to adorn the shrouded body with wildflowers, garlands, or tree branches adding a personal touch and a feeling of inclusive ritual.

The Choice of Carriers: Being Carried Naturally

In addition to green burial caskets and shrouds, carriers made from sustainable materials offer a practical, eco-friendly solution for transporting the deceased. Generally, a shroud is paired with an open-top woven willow carrier with handles on each side to help safely lift and carry, making transporting easier for the family, funeral staff, and pall bearers. These carriers, like all green burial products offered at Interra, are certified by the national Green Burial Council and meet their rigorous standards for quality and sustainability.

How Much Do Green Burial Products Cost vs Traditional Burial Products?

Green burial caskets, carriers, and shrouds typically have a lower cost than traditional burial products that are built with metals or highly finished, polished hardwoods. The cost of a green burial shroud, carrier, or casket can range from $550 to $2,300. The cost of a traditional burial casket generally ranges from $1,300 to well over $4,000.

Green Burial Urns: An Earth-friendly Resting Place

Green burial urns provide an excellent option for those choosing aquamation. Made from biodegradable materials like sand, paper, or even salt, these urns gradually dissolve when placed in water or buried in the ground, leaving no trace behind. This method not only respects the environment but also offers a visually pleasing and unique farewell ceremony. Green burial urns range from $50 to $500. 

Why Choose Green Burial Products?

Choosing green burial over traditional burial practices helps to reduce the environmental impact associated with end-of-life services. Traditional burials often involve embalming fluids and non-biodegradable caskets, which may contribute to polluting the soil and groundwater. On the other hand, green burial products are designed to break down naturally, nourishing the earth rather than taking away from it.

Furthermore, some funeral homes offer one or two green burial products but aren’t experienced in offering truly green funeral services. When planning a green burial or cremation, ensure to inquire about the sourcing of these products and make sure those products are Green Burial Council certified.

Green Burial Council Product Certification

Many of the products used by Interra Green Burial by Mueller Memorial have passed the national Green Burial Council’s (GBC) stringent guidelines for sustainability. In order for a product to be certified by the GBC it must meet the following standards:

  • The production process of finishes doesn't result in the emission of harmful by-products within the manufacturing plant.
  • Finishes are devoid of plastics, acrylics, or any similar forms of synthetic polymers.
  • The manufacturing process of adhesives doesn't lead to the release of hazardous by-products within the factory.
  • Adhesives are free from plastics, acrylics, or other related synthetic polymers.
  • The primary constituent of the shell is reclaimed, recycled, or renewable resources as per the definition by the Green Building Council (GBC).
  • The principal material used in the shell degrades naturally after burial.
  • The shell's main material is procured in a manner that ensures environmental sustainability, verified by a GBC-recognized third-party trust provider.
  • The liner is predominantly made from reclaimed, recycled, or renewable resources, following the guidelines defined by the GBC.
  • The liner's main material is biodegradable when buried.
  • The liner is primarily composed of material sourced in an eco-friendly way, as validated by a third-party trust provider endorsed by the GBC.
  • Fasteners and handles are primarily made from a substance that biodegrades under burial conditions.
  • Fasteners and handles are primarily composed of a material that is sourced sustainably, as certified by a third-party trust provider acknowledged by the GBC.
  • The greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the transport of any component material to the manufacturing site have been offset through an approved program.
  • The greenhouse gas emissions from transporting the final product to the customer's location have been offset through an approved program.

Green Burial Flowers

For most families choosing green burial, simplicity is the order of the day when choosing flowers. Large sprays of exotic flowers are often passed over for natural, native flora. One family we served at Interra had a large evergreen fall the same day their person died. So the family chose to cut branches from the felled tree and placed them around the shroud in the carrier which added a lovely natural pine scent to the burial ceremony. It was a beautiful and deeply personal tribute. 

Your Interra services director can help you decide what kind of flowers, plants, or greenery will enhance your ceremony. These could be purchased from our trusted and creative independent florist or it can be flowers from your garden. We are open to any ideas that will make your ceremony more meaningful.

Green Burial Laws

And always remember that funeral laws and green burial laws are the same and any funeral home or green burial service provider is obligated to adhere to the Federal Trade Commission's Funeral Rule which encourages you to, “Buy only the funeral arrangements you want. You have the right to buy separate goods (such as caskets) and services (such as embalming or a memorial service). You do not have to accept a package that may include items you do not want.” Green burial is all about choice and Interra wants you to have the interment that’s right for you and your people.

Join the Burial Movement

The green burial movement is not just about choosing environmentally friendly caskets, shrouds, or urns. It's about embracing a philosophy that values our connection with the Earth, even in death. The green burial casket, the shroud for a natural burial, the eco-friendly urn—all these are manifestations of a desire to leave a minimal footprint on the environment that nourished us throughout our lives.

Choosing green burial products, therefore, is a way to ensure our final act is one of gratitude and respect for our planet. These natural alternatives align our end-of-life choices with a lifelong commitment to sustainability, allowing us to return to the earth with the same care and reverence with which we lived.

Remember, every green burial, every biodegradable coffin, every natural burial casket, is a tribute to the beauty and resilience of the environment. Embrace this final act of love for our planet, and let's make the green burial movement the norm, not the exception.

Common Questions

  • What material is used for green burial products?

    Green burial caskets are most commonly made from woven willow or seagrass, or planks of bamboo. Shrouds are generally made from cotton or bamboo cloth.

  • What products can be used in a green burial?

    Products for green burials are generally centered around the safe movement of the body such as a biodegradable casket, carrier, or shroud. Other green burial products could include flowers, biodegradable urns for aquamated remains, or scattering urns.

  • How much do green burial products cost vs traditional burial products?

    Green burial shrouds, carriers, and caskets generally cost less than traditional burial products. Green burial products use sustainable and readily available materials making them less costly to produce than the metals or highly finished, polished hardwood used in traditional services.

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