
What is a Natural Burial? An Eco-Friendly Guide to Saying Farewell | Interra Green Burial

Taelor Johnson • August 24, 2023

What is a Natural Burial? An Eco-Friendly Guide to Saying Farewell

Green grass at a green burial site

In today's world, we are becoming increasingly aware of the impact our choices have on the environment. As the global population strives to make more sustainable decisions, one aspect of our lives that is often overlooked is the way we handle death. On this page, we will explore what is a natural burial and how it aligns with our growing eco-conscious awareness. We'll also delve into natural burial laws, options, costs, and more.

What is a Natural Burial?

A natural burial is an eco-conscious funeral practice that emphasizes the body's return to the earth in a way that is environmentally friendly. Unlike traditional burial methods, a natural burial minimizes the use of chemicals, such as the estimated 827,000 to 4.3 million gallons of embalming fluids buried in the U.S. every year. As well as additional unnatural materials like the estimated 30 million tons of reinforced concrete, used in burial vaults. By forgoing these practices, natural burial helps conserve natural resources, prevents pollution, and reduces the carbon footprint in the manufacturing and transportation of these items.

What is a Natural Burial Option?

Natural burial options refer to the various choices available for those who wish to have an eco-friendly burial. These options can include the use of natural burial caskets, the selection of a green burial site, or even the integration of cremated remains into natural burial grounds.

  1. Natural Burial Caskets: Made from biodegradable materials, these caskets allow the body to decompose naturally and return to the earth.
  2. Green Burial Site: A designated area in a natural burial cemetery where traditional practices like embalming and burial vaults are avoided.
  3. Cremated or Aquamated Remains: An option that involves the ashes being buried in a natural grave site, often with a biodegradable urn. It can also mean scattering in a designated memorial forest like Better Place St. Croix Valley Memorial Forest in

What is a Natural Burial Cemetery?

A natural burial cemetery, such as Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery, is a space designed specifically to accommodate natural burials. Unlike traditional cemeteries, natural burial grounds are maintained with minimal environmental impact, often looking more like natural landscapes.

National Funeral Directors and the Green Burial Council

National funeral directors and funeral homes play a vital role in helping families navigate green burial options. The Green Burial Council, a non-profit organization, works with funeral directors to certify and promote eco-friendly burial practices. They provide guidelines and support, ensuring that the practices align with the environmental ethics.

Burial Costs and Green Burial Options in Different Locations

While traditional burial involves significant costs such as embalming fluid and reinforced concrete (with 1.6 million tons used annually), natural burials can often be a more economical choice. With the growing demand, several locations, such as natural burial MN (Minnesota), offer a range of green burial options to suit different preferences and budgets.

Final Thoughts

The shift towards environmentally conscious living is redefining many aspects of our lives, including funeral practices. By understanding what is a natural burial, we can make choices that align with our values and allow our loved ones to harmonize with nature, even in death.

Natural burials, emphasizing the return to the earth, present a thoughtful and meaningful alternative to traditional practices. With the guidance of national funeral directors and the support of organizations like the Green Burial Council, families can explore green burial options that not only reduce environmental impacts but also offer unique and personal ways to remember and honor their loved ones.

"Adopting natural burial practices is crucial for supporting local ecosystems and contributing to carbon sequestration. Cemeteries, including natural burial sites, can be recognized as essential urban green spaces and managed for their ecosystem services, reinforcing our commitment to sustainable burial solutions." (Johannessen, 2022; Quinton & Duinker, 2019).

Whether you are drawn to the simplicity of natural burial caskets, the serene beauty of a green burial site, or the specific natural burial laws and practices in your region, the world of natural burial offers a compassionate and sustainable path for those seeking to leave a minimal ecological footprint.

Johannessen, S. (2022). How can blue carbon burial in seagrass meadows increase long-term, net sequestration of carbon? A critical review. Environmental Research Letters, 17. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac8ab4.

Quinton, J., & Duinker, P. (2019). Beyond burial: researching and managing cemeteries as urban green spaces, with examples from Canada. Environmental Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1139/ER-2018-0060.

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