
Aquamation Cremation: Why it is the Eco-Friendly Choice | Interra Green Burial

Taelor Johnson • February 22, 2024

Why Aquamation Cremation is the Eco-Friendly

A poster explaining why accommodation is the eco friendly choice for families.

Eco-Friendly Legacy 

Choosing aquamation is a meaningful way to select a disposition similar to cremation while minimizing your environmental impact.

Preserve Natural Resources

Compared to traditional cremation, aquamation consumes one-tenth of the energy and 90% less carbon emissions released into the atmosphere.  Aquamation requires zero embalming fluids, which often contain formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, methanol, and other solvents.

Sustainable Water Usage

A water cremation utilizes roughly the same amount of water a typical American family uses in one day.  The sterile liquid that remains is a welcomed addition to the waste water system.

Peace of Mind

Some families find it comforting to know aquamation uses gentle water movement rather than flame to hasten the natural breakdown of soft tissue. 

Personal Choice

Choosing water cremation can create an eco-friendly farewell aligned with your person’s values, preferences, and beliefs. 

Choosing an
ecological burial is a deeply personal decision – a final testament to a life lived with respect for the environment and the natural world.
Green Burial Council Certification

In February 2023, Interra Green Burial became the only long established funeral home in Minnesota and western Wisconsin to be certified by the national Green Burial Council – an independent nonprofit certifying end-of-life service providers environmental practices and principles. 

Interra Green Burial to start planning your legacy!

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